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Before you travel to Brazil: Best Brazil books and films to watch

About to embark on an adventure to Brazil? It’s a good idea to learn a little more about the country first, to be inspired by its stories and attractions. Here’s a list of our favourite Brazil books and films.

Brazil is an enormous country brimming with incredible natural sights, vibrant cosmopolitan cities and fascinating history. It’s home to the lush Amazon rainforest and the thunderous waters of the Iguazu Falls. There are the vast sand dunes of the north-east and thousands of miles of dazzling coastline.

Below is our recommended reading list. Why not put a couple of these books by your bedside?

Books about Brazil: Recommended Reading

When it comes to guide books, Lonely Planet win, hands down. This book will be your travel bible as you explore the country.

They’re updated regularly and written in a no-nonsense way. They cater to all types of travellers. There’s a useful section on safety, plus some handy Portuguese phrases that might come in handy.

Click the images to buy

Contemplating investing in property in Brazil? There are some fantastic opportunities to be had if you know where to look. It’s also important to know what pitfalls to watch out for.

This is a guide written by two gringos, Bill and Sarah. They’ve made a healthy profit through real estate investment.

Definitely worth a read if that’s your plan for the future!

Written by an Australian who has spent many years living in Brazil, this historical tale reads like a novel. It explores the darker side of the country’s past. The book covers some 500 years of history, from colonisation to military dictatorship and the early days of democracy.

Author Peter Robb manages to intertwine politics, history and food. It makes for a fascinating read.

Recommended viewing

This documentary series is just wonderful. Michael Palin, best known to some as part of the British comedy team Monty Python, travels around to some of Brazil’s most off-beat locations.

Palin’s journeys include the vibrant African-inspired city of Salvador, the vast sand dunes of Lençóis Maranhenses and of course, Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro, arguably the face of Brazil.

Watch this, and you’ll finally understand what all the fuss is about. Brazil has some truly magical places to visit.

A wonderfully moving Brazilian film that will leave you sobbing into your popcorn. This is the story of a young homeless boy in search of his father, and the stubborn, bitter old woman who accompanies him on a road trip across the country in order to find him. Watch with the English subtitles on, (or if you’re keen to practice your Portuguese, watch with the Portuguese captions instead!)

Watch the trailer below: 

What are your favourite Brazilian books and films? Share them with us in the comments below.

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